Employment Guidance
Wessex Synod aims to be an equal opportunity employer and to promote good practice in employing churches within the Synod, in particular in the areas of:
– Recruitment and selection, including: job descriptions, person specifications, job advertisements, short-listing for interview, interview and selection planning, offer letters, references, right to work and DBS checks and record-keeping.
– Employment policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and good practice, including: contracts of employment, grievance, disciplinary and capability procedures, equal opportunities policy, health and safety policy.
For general employment information from the United Reformed Church please follow this link. For further information or a conversation about a specific situation related to your church, please contact the Synod Employment Adviser at employment@urcwessex.org.uk or on 07910 601751. All employment-related documentation can be obtained from the Synod Employment Adviser and most are available via the Employment section of the document library [link here] . Please contact the Synod Employment Adviser for a template contract of employment.
Children, Youth and Families
Employment Advice
Family Film Night Resources
First Aid training
Lay Preachers
Lay Preachers