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Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

Southampton Celebrates Isaac Watts

Below is a link to a short video on YouTube about Isaac Watts who was born in Southampton and wrote many famous hymns including “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past” which chimes out of Southampton’s Clock Tower every day. 8 minute video:...

350th Anniversary Celebrations for Isaac Watts

350th Anniversary Celebrations for Isaac Watts

Below is a link to a BBC report about a Southampton celebration of Isaac Watts' 350th birthday. Avenue St Andrew's and Isaac Watts URCs were both represented in the planning and the celebration itself.  

Let’s End Poverty

Let’s End Poverty

JPIT says Poverty hurts. It blights the lives of people in the UK and around the world. But poverty is not inevitable. Choices that are made, and that we make, force people into poverty and trap them there. This means we can make a difference. By using our voices and...

Become a Mental Health First Aider

Become a Mental Health First Aider

Mental Health First Aider training is a two-day course in-person or the online equivalent across two weeks which includes four live zoom sessions with the trainer. Training dates and further information can be found here....

Good News Story – Gosport URC – Bubble Fun!

Good News Story – Gosport URC – Bubble Fun!

   Duggie Dug Dug does it again!! 8am on a cold but bright Friday morning, members of Gosport URC Children and Families work, team, arrived at one of our local junior schools to help prepare for something the School community had never before experienced;  Duggie...