

Within the Wessex Synod, individuals, groups, churches and the Synod as a whole aim to identify the many places and ways where God is at work and to find our place within God’s purposes.

The Synod has a Mission and Outreach Committee and also deploys two Development and Support Officers, as well as linking into the Assembly Mission Committee for two-way sharing of information and practice.

Mission and Outreach Committee

The role of the Committee is to support the churches of the Synod in the proclamation of the Gospel in word and action in relation to:

  1. Encouraging the Synod churches and structures to be open to the opportunities the Spirit creates for bringing people into relationship with Christ. This includes supporting local churches in their existing mission and new mission opportunities, as well as supporting new mission opportunities beyond or outside existing congregations, including new church plants, mission projects and pioneer ministry.
  2. Resourcing the people of the Synod to live their faith daily in the world, working towards Kingdom values, and engaging with and confronting unjust systems and structures. The Committee draws on the work of the URC/Baptist/Methodist Joint Public Issues Team.
  3. Promoting and developing the Synod’s mutual relationships within the world Church. The Committee is responsible for maintaining and developing the Synod’s relationships with the Nord Normandie Region of the Église Protestante Unie de France and (jointly with the Southampton District of the Methodist Church) Lusaka Presbytery of the United Church of Zambia.

Mission and Outreach Committee Contact: Secretary, Philip Bonnier, philip@bonnier.org.uk